Rydale Roofing – Social Value
Rydale Roofing
Social Value & Impact
With over 25 years experience within the industry, we are one of the leading roofing specialists in Staffordshire.
“Social value” is a way of thinking about how scarce resources are allocated and used.
It involves looking beyond the price of each individual contract and looking at what the collective benefit to a community is when a public body chooses to award a contract. Here at Rydale Roofing we are committed to adding Social value into our company ethics!
We see the value of the Potteries £ – where every £ received from a procurement contract is paid to someone who lives locally and that £ is then spent here in the Potteries, producing a wider benefit to the local community!
Please use the drop down menu to see some of our Social Value activities!
Request a Quote
Telephone: 01782 625894
Email: info@rydaleroofing.co.uk
Our normal office opening hours are Monday to Friday 09:00 until 17:00.
Social Enterprise

“A business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for shareholders or owners.”
During the recent Credit crunch we began to see the impact of losing contracts to companies from outside Staffordshire was having on our local area.
We feel the best way to regenerate our area is to provide long term employment which in turn leads to money earned being spent locally – “The Potteries Pound” effect!
We have become Social Innovation Partners with SEWM who promote Social Value and have the same ethos as we do, Local jobs for Local people!
Sentinel Business Awards

This will be our fourth year as sponsors of this category and we are looking forward to seeing the nominations and the ultimate winner of this award as Training is a huge part of our company Ethos.
Bringing together a who’s who of the business community across Staffordshire and South Cheshire, it rewards achievement, innovation and success across all industries.
Companies and individuals battle it out for the top prizes which are presented at a glittering awards ceremony
Young Enterprise

Under the Young Enterprise Company Programme students set up and run a real firm for a year under the guidance of a business volunteer (us). They get practical experience of the joys and pitfalls of creating a truly functioning enterprise.
They do everything from raising the initial share capital through to designing and making their product or service to selling directly to customers at specially organised trade fairs and ultimately winding up the firm and paying their taxes!
Apart from delivering aspects of work related learning under the National Curriculum, independent research shows it helps develop key skills that enhance young people’s employability and enterprise capabilities.
In 2010 students from Wolstanton High School designed and developed a cook book using recipes from parents, grandparents and a few celebrities too! This product came 1st in the area finals and 2nd in the regional finals!
In 2011 the students produced Bottle clocks – they sourced empty bottles locally, slumped them in the school kiln and added a clock face. Again the product came 1st in the area finals and 2nd in the regional finals!
In 2012 the students produced story books which they wrote and illustrated themselves. The books, Gerry the Gingerbread man and Connor the cookie not only promoted reading within families but also highlighted keywords to promote learning skills. A recipe and step by step instructions were added to the book which promoted family baking time together too! This group came 2nd in the area finals but also entered the Young Chamber awards where they came 1st over everyone in the UK!